For my 13th Birthday Party I decided to do an Outdoor Movie Party!
First off I had to make the invitations. So I opened up my graphic design program and got right to work. It took a couple tries until I could finally get it. Then I had my invitations made to only print out using black ink (saves a lot of ink and money). I printed them on red paper to get the ticket look. Here's a picture of the final.
After I got those done and passed out I created a checklist. This consisted of the smores' bar, creating screen, making thank you treats, creating a tag for EVERYTHING and popping popcorn. I helped make the smores bar with some extra wood we had. We screwed all that together then put some wood inside to hold up the rocks so we wouldn't have to fill the entire box with rocks. After that we spray painted it black. This is a picture of it right before the party.
big for them, but we finally one of those food storage cans.
Then we had our popcorn and drinks. We probably spent the most time popping the popcorn. There were about six and a half cups of popcorn kernels popped. Then we separated the popcorn into caramel, butter, and white cheddar. For the butter and white cheddar we just put them into a big bowel poured some butter over them and poured the seasonings onto it. The caramel was a different story. My mom has the really good receipe I will add later. Those adorable straws we found at Target in the clearance section. SCORE! Then the drinks and container. Two times every year my mom and some friends go to a Renigers antique shop and last time she went she found the container with old fashioned
glass milk jugs in it. So we took the milk jugs out and
put in the canned soda. There was cream soda, root
beer, and orange soda.
Last but not least, the full snack bar. My moms friends daughter was having her wedding and they made a float stand out of old wood panels. The top said float stand so we turned it around and I painted Snack Stand on the top in black paint.
Overall it was a really fun party! I think everyone had a really good time!
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